Health Care Accreditation from The Joint Commission
Advanced surgical center was first facility dedicated to cosmetic surgery in Douglas County to achieve The Joint Commission accreditation
LONE TREE, Colo. – June 26, 2017 – Park Mea dows Outpatient Surgery announced on Monday that it has earned The Joint Commission’s Gold Seal of Approval for Ambulatory Health Care Accreditation by demonstrating continuous complian ce with its nationally r ecognized standards. The Gold Seal of Approval is a symbol of quality that reflects an organization’ s commitment to providing safe and effective patient care.
Park Meadows Outpatient Surgery recently un derwent a rigorous, unannounced on-site survey. During the review, a team of Joint Commission surv eyors with expertise in ambulatory health care evaluated compliance with ambulatory care standa rds related to a variety of areas, including coordination of care, monitoring for procedures that involve use of sedation or anesthesia, infection prevention and control, management of medi cations and patient education and training.
“Park Meadows Outpatient Surgery is pleased to receive accreditation from The Joint Commission, the premier health care quality improvement and accrediting body in the nation,” said Dr. Christopher Williams, board-certified plastic surg eon and medical director of Park Meadows Outpatient Surgery (PMOS), the st ate-of-the-art surgical facili ty at Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery. “Staff from across our practice continue to work together to develop and implement approaches and strategies that ha ve the potential to improve care fo r the patients in our community.”
“Joint Commission accreditation provides ambulatory care organi zations with the processes contributing to improvements in a variety of areas, from the enhancement of staff education to the demonstration of leading practices within the ambulatory setting,” said Michael Kulczycki, executive director of the Ambulatory Health Care Accreditation Program at The Joint Commission. “We commend Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery and its staff for achieving this pinnacle demonstrating a commitment to patient safety and quality.”
PMOS was the first surgical center devoted to plastic surgery in D ouglas County to be accredited by The Joint Commission. Opened in 2000, PMOS also belongs to the Ambulatory Surgery Center Association.
Established in 1975, The Joint Commission’s Ambul atory Health Care Ac creditation Program encourages high-quality patient care in all types of freestanding ambulatory care facilities. Today, the Ambulatory Health Care A ccreditation Program serves 2,100 am bulatory care providers, with more than 8,500 sites of care which, in turn, se rve more than 83 million patient visits annually.
“Your passion, dedication and tenacity can ultimat ely improve patient care,” Kulczycki added. “Thank you for your commitment to patient safety and entrusting The Joint Commission to assist you.”
The Joint Commission’s ambulatory health care standa rds are developed in c onsultation with health care experts and providers, measurement experts and patients. The standards are informed by scientific literature and expert consensus to help organizations measure, assess and improve performance.
About Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery and Park Meadows Outpatient Surgery A leader in both aesthetic proced ures of the breasts and body as we ll as breast rec onstruction, Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery emphasizes outstandi ng patient care in a safe and comfortable environment. Founders and board-certified plas tic surgeons Dr. Christopher Williams and Dr. Jeremy Williams serve patients in the Denver area, throughout Colorado and visitors from out of state.
About The Joint Commission
Founded in 1951, The Joint Commission seeks to con tinuously improve health care for the public, in collaboration with other stakeholders, by evalua ting health care organizati ons and inspiring them to excel in providing safe and effective care of th e highest quality and value. The Joint Commission accredits and certifies more than 21,000 health care organizations and programs in the United States. An independent, nonprofit organization, The Joint Commission is the nation’ s oldest and largest standards-setting and accredi ting body in health care
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