Common Plastic Surgery Questions Answered

Board-Certified Plastic Surgeons Serving Denver & Lone Tree, Colorado

When you are considering undergoing plastic surgery, it’s only natural that you will have a variety of questions—from how to choose a surgeon to how to prepare for your recovery. At Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery, we believe that well-informed patients make the best decisions about their surgical procedures and are the most satisfied with the results that they achieve through plastic surgery.

Begin your journey here with answers to some of the most common questions we hear from patients. Then please call Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery at  303-706-1100 to schedule your consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon.

Common Questions About Preparing for Plastic Surgery

As you begin your search for the right procedure and the right surgeon to help you achieve your goals, you will want to find answers to basic questions like what factors to consider when choosing a surgeon and what steps you need to take to prepare for plastic surgery.

Do I Need a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon?

Choosing your plastic surgeon is one of the most important decisions you will make regarding your procedure. When you are researching surgeons, make sure to select one who is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Board certification ensures that your surgeon has met stringent requirements in training and practice.

Am I a Good Candidate for Surgery?

Although being in good general health and prepared emotionally and financially for plastic surgery are good indicators that you may be ready for surgery, determining whether you are a good candidate for plastic surgery requires an individual consultation with a plastic surgeon. At Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery, we treat each patient as the unique individual they are and fully discuss your goals and options to help you determine if plastic surgery is the right choice for you right now.

Although specific to some aspects of mommy makeovers, this video summarizes our overall approach to determining your candidacy for surgery.

Should I Quit Smoking Before Surgery?

Yes. You should stop smoking before surgery. It is not only good for your overall health to give up cigarettes, it will also aid your recovery from surgery. If you are a smoker, it is important to be honest with your plastic surgery about your smoking habits because smoking can have such a significant effect on your recovery.

As you progress further into the process of researching your options for plastic surgery, you may have more in-depth questions about the procedures you are considering. The following explanations provide some answers to the more common questions we hear about some of our most popular procedures.

At this time, you may be ready to schedule a consultation to answer all of your questions about your unique situation.

How Long Do Breast Implants Last?

Typically breast implants will last from seven to twelve years. No breast implant is intended to last for a lifetime. However, each patient’s body is unique. Your implants may last for a significantly shorter or longer period of time. You may decide to have implants removed or replaced based on your personal preferences as you age.

What Types of Liposuction Are Available?

Liposuction at its core is the removal of fatty tissue from beneath the skin that allows the skin to shrink. With modern technology, there are many different techniques available to perform liposuction, including tumescent liposuction, power-assisted liposuction and ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty. Many of these techniques differ in the way the fat is broken up under the skin and removed. What is important to understand as the patient is that no matter what type of liposuction you have performed, it is the skill of your surgeon that will ultimately provide the successful results you are looking for. Choosing a surgeon whom you trust is key to being satisfied with your results.

What Options Do I Have for a Tummy Tuck?

In general, there are two types of tummy tucks that you can choose from: a full (traditional) tummy tuck or a mini tummy tuck. The full tummy tuck addresses excess skin, fat, and loose muscle in the abdominal area. A mini tummy tuck is a less extensive surgical procedure that only addresses issues below the navel. In consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons, you can learn more about which procedure is best for your unique needs.

What Is Involved in a Mommy Makeover?

A mommy makeover is a combination of surgical procedures targeted at helping mothers address the many issues that often come with carrying a child, giving birth, and breast feeding. Mommy Makeovers typically include procedures such as breast lift, breast augmentation, tummy tuck, and liposuction, although the specific combination of procedures is determined in consultation with your plastic surgeon.

How Does Male Breast Reduction Work?

Excess breast tissue in the male breast is an easily treatable condition. Male breast reduction usually involves liposuction to remove excess fatty tissue in the breast and can sometimes involve a small incision to remove additional breast tissue that cannot be removed through liposuction. With male breast reduction, you will see dramatic results almost immediately and gain the body confidence that you deserve.

Common Questions About Breast Reconstruction Surgery

At The Breast Center Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery, we are committed to helping women through their breast cancer journey. We know that after diagnosis, you will be flooded with information and want answers to many questions about what to expect from the reconstruction process. Our compassionate staff and doctors want to help you fully understand your options and help you make the best decisions for yourself.

What Comes Next After Breast Cancer Diagnosis?

After you have been diagnosed with cancer, one of the first steps is to meet with your medical or surgical oncologist to understand what treatments are best for the type of cancer you have. He or she may recommend a lumpectomy, a mastectomy, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy. Your treatment plan will be individualized by your oncologist.

Then you will want to meet with a plastic surgeon to understand your options for breast reconstruction. We will often need to coordinate surgeries for removal and reconstruction of the breast in order to give you the best, most natural-looking results.

What Types of Breast Reconstruction Are Available?

Breast reconstruction is generally done following a mastectomy (complete removal of the breast). The options that may be available to you include the timing of your reconstruction procedure. You may be able to have the mastectomy and reconstruction performed during the same operation or you may need to delay reconstruction until after chemotherapy or radiation treatments. You also have the option of choosing breast implants or autologous reconstruction using your own body’s tissues. During your consultation, we can fully explore the options available to you.

What Is A Tissue Expander?

A tissue expander is placed on the day of your mastectomy. It is filled with a saline solution and over several weeks, the size is increased by adding more saline into the expander in order to expand your breast tissue to your desired size before reconstruction is performed.

What Should I Wear After My DIEP Flap?

You will need a compression garment to wear around your abdomen during recovery and you will need supportive, comfortable bras. At The Breast Center Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery, we can recommend the type of garments to buy and have on hand for your surgical recovery.

What Impact Will the DIEP Flap Have on My Family and Friends?

After a DIEP Flap procedure, you will have lifting and movement restrictions during your recovery. These physical restrictions will impact your entire family in ways you may not initially think about. You will need help caring for small children. You won’t be able to lift them. You will need a close family member or friend to help you with everyday tasks during the first days and weeks of your recovery. You will likely also be emotionally adjusting to your new normal after surgery. Your family should be prepared to be patient and understanding about your emotional journey through recovery.

Listen to one of our patients talk about her story:

Common Questions About Plastic Surgery Recovery

Recovery is always a common theme in questions we get from patients. It’s only natural to wonder how long your recovery will take and when you can return to your normal daily activities. Depending on the surgical procedure you choose and your body’s own ability to recover, you may experience variations on the answers given here.

What Help Should I Arrange After Surgery?

After any type of surgery, it is important to have help. With surgical procedures, like breast augmentation, tummy tuck, or breast reconstruction, your recovery will take weeks and you will have restrictions on your movement. You should enlist the help of a close friend or family member to take you home from surgery and stay with you for at least the first 24-48 hours. If you have young children, you should arrange for childcare because you will not be able to perform your normal routine.

How Do I Ease Back Into My Routine After Surgery?

It is important to listen to your body and take the time you need to rest and heal during your recovery. For many women, taking time off from work and daily responsibilities is difficult, but don’t let those obligations push you to return to work and routine before you are ready.

Listen to one of our patients describe her experience with returning to work after surgery.

What Is a Pain Pump for After Surgery?

A pain pump is used to help numb the surgical area during your initial recovery. The medication in a pain pump is non-narcotic and is used to numb the muscles around the surgical area in order to provide you with a more comfortable recovery. For most patients, you will only need it for about three days and then you can remove it as directed.

Caring for Drains After Surgery

Drains may be placed after any breast or body surgery. Drains are placed for your initial recovery to remove fluid buildup at the surgical site. At home, you will be responsible for emptying the drain a few times each day.

What If I Have Complications With My Surgery?

Complications can delay your recovery after surgery. Although at Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery we do all that we can to reduce the risk of complications, they still do happen. If any complications occur after your surgery, we will be there to help you every step of the way. Don’t hesitate to call us if you are experiencing anything abnormal during your recovery.

Listen to one of our patients talk about her experience with a complication following surgery:

Do you have more questions about plastic surgery? We’d love to answer them!

Schedule your personal consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon today. Please call Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery at  303-706-1100. We welcome patients throughout the Denver and Lone Tree areas of Colorado.

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