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What Procedures are Included in a Mommy Makeover?

woman holding baby after mommy makeoverAt Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery, we know that pregnancy affects every woman’s body differently. That is why a mommy makeover is not one procedure, but rather a customized combination of procedures to help you achieve your unique goals for your postpartum body. These procedures can correct many physical effects of pregnancy to help you regain your pre-baby physique and confidence.

Breast Procedures

Your breasts undergo dramatic changes during pregnancy to prepare for breastfeeding. After pregnancy, your breasts may be larger or smaller than they were before. You may also experience sagging, a loss of fullness, or asymmetry between your breasts.

Your mommy makeover can include procedures to improve the appearance of your breasts such as:

  • Breast augmentation: A breast augmentation procedure can restore volume that you may have lost during pregnancy. This procedure can also address breast asymmetry.
  • Breast lift: A breast lift can return your breasts to a more elevated position. This procedure can be combined with breast augmentation, or it can be performed alone if you are happy with the size of your breasts and simply want to address drooping breasts, low nipple position, or enlarged areolas.
  • Breast reduction: Pregnancy can increase the size of your breasts, sometimes to a size larger than what you desire. Very large breasts also have the potential to cause physical discomfort. A breast reduction procedure can help you regain a more manageable cup size.

Procedures to Reduce Fat and Tighten Abdominal Muscles

Your body goes through a lot of changes during pregnancy and it can be difficult to regain your pre-baby physique. Abdominal muscles often stretch in order to make space for your baby, and exercise may not be enough to tighten them. Additionally, many women struggle with separation of these muscles, a condition known as diastasis recti. This postpartum abdominal condition contributes to a stomach “pooch” that may make you appear pregnant even after childbirth.

In addition to the strain on your muscles, your body stores excess fat during pregnancy that may seem impossible to get rid of later even with diet and exercise. This excess fat typically accumulates near the stomach, but many women struggle with overall weight gain.

Mommy makeover procedures to help slim and contour your body include:

  • Tummy Tuck: A tummy tuck procedure can repair any stretched or separated abdominal muscles. A tummy tuck also removes excess fat and loose, hanging skin. Tummy tucks are recommended for women who are done having children, as another pregnancy will likely cause your muscles to stretch again. But it does not interfere with the ability to become pregnant or have more children.
  • Liposuction: Liposuction is an effective way of removing excess fat from the stomach and other areas that seem unresponsive to diet and exercise. If you have not seen results from your diligent fitness efforts, you may consider liposuction to remove stubborn fat cells.

Schedule a Consultation with our Denver Plastic Surgeons

A complimentary cosmetic consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeons is the best way to determine which procedures are right for your personalized mommy makeover. Schedule your consultation today by calling 303-706-1100. We serve Denver, Lone Tree, and nearby areas of Colorado.

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