Will I Need a Breast Lift After Implant Removal?

Many women who get breast implants will eventually decide to have them removed. They may have developed complications like deflation or chosen to return to their original size. After breast implant removal, some will require a breast lift to combat sagging, while others will not.

Here are several factors that can affect the need for additional surgery:

  • Implant size: When a breast implant is placed, the skin above it stretches to accommodate the extra volume. Small implants generally result in less stretching, while larger implants result in more. If you have larger implants and get them removed, your skin may not be able to retract. A breast lift may be necessary to achieve a firm and perky result.
  • Skin and tissue elasticity: Genetics, age, and weight fluctuations can influence your breasts’ ability to spring back to their original shape. Women with good skin elasticity may not need a breast lift to achieve good results. However, women with poor skin elasticity may be interested in tightening their breast contour through additional surgery.
  • Nipple position: The position of the nipple can mean the difference between a saggy breast appearance and an elevated one. If your nipples sit below your breast fold after surgery, a breast lift can move them up for a perkier and more youthful look.
  • Desired results: Some women don’t mind a bit of breast sagging. They may be perfectly happy with their implant removal results and decide against breast lift surgery. Others want the youthful look that a lift can achieve. It’s up to you.

Breast implant removal is a frequently performed procedure. The American Society of Plastic Surgery reported that over 36,000 augmentation patients had their implants removed in 2020. However, it’s also complex and should only be done by a board-certified plastic surgeon. 

Schedule a Complimentary Cosmetic Consultation

Our board-certified plastic surgeons can help predict the outcome of your implant removal. We will gladly provide surgical recommendations based on your unique situation and goals. 

Call 303-706-1100 today to schedule your complimentary cosmetic consultation. Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery serves patients from Denver, Lone Tree, and nearby areas of Colorado.

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