How long will my Breast Lift results last?

Breast Lift Results in Denver

Results of breast lift surgery are long lasting. When droop does recur naturally, it probably won’t be for decades after your surgery. At Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery, we reshape the fat, glandular tissue and skin of your breasts. A breast lift addresses more than just the skin, so the results tend to last a long time.

After your surgery, your breasts will change shape slightly as swelling goes down and tissues settle into the new breast shape. It is possible for your breasts to regain some of their former sagginess as a result of pregnancy or weight fluctuations. For this reason, you may be encouraged to consider whether you plan to become pregnant again soon and whether you are at a stable weight before choosing to undergo a breast lift.

You can contribute to the longevity of your results by caring for your skin and the ligaments that support your breasts. By moisturizing the skin on your breasts and avoiding prolonged sun exposure, you can stave off the aging effects of dryness and UV radiation on your skin. By wearing a properly fitted, supportive bra every day, you can prevent sagging by providing support to the structures that support your breasts.

To find out if our breast lift procedure in greater Denver meets your expectations for results, please contact Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery to schedule a complimentary cosmetic consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon in Lone Tree, Colorado.

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