How Do I Reduce Swelling After Liposuction?

Woman after liposuction in Lone TreeSwelling is a normal and temporary part of healing after liposuction. The bulk of swelling will go down within a few weeks of your procedure to reveal a slimmer and more toned appearance. Some degree of residual swelling and fluid retention can remain after that, obscuring final results for months.

Our board-certified plastic surgeons will give you detailed post-operative instructions and follow your progress closely to ensure that you’re on track. To speed up the healing process, follow the tips below.

Wear Your Compression Garment

Compression garments minimize swelling, promote healthy circulation, and help your skin contract smoothly over your new contours. They are essential for rapid liposuction recovery.

A compression garment will be placed during your surgery. It should remain in place 24 hours a day for the first two weeks. You can take it off to wash it, replacing it with the spare garment given to you. At three weeks, you may choose to only wear it during the day or continue to leave it on around the clock.

Keep the Treatment Area Cool

Heat can increase post-surgical swelling and inflammation. It is a good idea to avoid situations where you may become overheated. Do not sit outside in the sun, soak in a hot tub, or go in a steam room during the early stages of recovery.

Cold, on the other hand, can be beneficial. Applying an ice pack or cold compress to swollen areas of the body may go a long way in reducing swelling and discomfort after liposuction. Ask our surgeons for application guidelines to ensure that you don’t overdo it.

Watch What You Eat

It is important to limit salty foods. Sodium causes the body to retain water, resulting in additional bloating and swelling following liposuction.

You may also want to tailor your diet to promote wound healing. For example, foods rich in iron can help by lowering inflammation.

Get Personalized Recovery Recommendations in Lone Tree

Our surgeons are here to support you through the liposuction recovery process. If you have any questions, or you are interested in scheduling a complimentary cosmetic consultation, call 303-706-1100 today. Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery serves men and women in Denver, Lone Tree, and other areas of Colorado.

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