Will a Breast Lift Improve the Shape of Large Breasts?

Breast Lift for Large Breast Size

Some women with large breasts that are saggy or droopy are unhappy with the overall shape and lack of perkiness in their breasts. If this type of scenario applies to you, you may be wondering if a breast lift can create perkier breasts without significantly reducing their size. A breast lift may be right for you, and some women even benefit from a modified procedure in which the breast lift is combined with breast reduction for the best results.

The only way to know for sure is to visit our plastic surgeons for a one-on-one consultation. We want to listen to you first and to understand your concerns from your perspective. Then we can make suggestions for the treatment approaches that can deliver the results you want to see.

As its name implies, a breast lift (mastopexy) lifts the breasts so that they have a rounder, firmer shape. This procedure also lifts and reshapes the nipple-areola complex. The areola is another breast structure that can become saggy and stretched. If you decide to also reduce some of the excess breast tissue, our plastic surgeons can perform the reduction technique to remove it. The result is perkier, firmer, generally more youthful breasts.

To find out if you are a good candidate for breast lift surgery, please call Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery at 303-706-1100. Our board-certified plastic surgeons serve all of Denver, Lone Tree and the surrounding areas, as well as cities across Colorado.

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