Who Makes a Good Candidate for Male Liposuction?

Male Liposuction Although we often hear about women getting liposuction, it is important to recognize that this is an effective way for men also to contour their bodies and address stubborn body fat. While male liposuction is a fantastic option for many men, it may not be a good fit for all. Keep reading to discover whether you are a candidate for this cosmetic procedure and to learn what to look for in a provider.

Criteria for Male Liposuction

You may be a good candidate for male liposuction if you are in relatively good health but want to target areas of stubborn fat that resist exercise and changes to your diet. You are more likely to experience a smooth healing process if you are a nonsmoker when compared to candidates who smoke. Similarly, skin that is firm and elastic and muscles with good tone make it more likely that you will achieve the desired results from male liposuction.

Men who opt for this type of surgery can remove fat from various body parts, including the face, abdomen, thighs, chest, and hips. With this minimally invasive procedure, you can give your confidence a boost. Alternatively, you may prefer an alternative such as CoolSculpting® for a non-invasive method of plastic surgery.

It is important to have a positive but realistic outlook on what you can achieve with liposuction. You may need to initiate weight loss through diet and exercise before liposuction becomes a good solution to achieve the body you desire. Furthermore, remaining healthy after you get male liposuction will help your results last as long as possible. Of course, you might consider additional cosmetic procedures such as a tummy tuck to look your best. Some people even choose to transfer the removed fat to other body parts to achieve more fullness for an overall improved appearance.

Either way, make sure you go with a board-certified plastic surgeon who has experience working with men and can reflect masculine angles and contours. Feel free to ask for before and after photos of previous patients or testimonials. A good provider will also inform you of what to expect and how to promote healing after male liposuction.

Get Closer to Your Goal

Are you interested in learning more about male liposuction? Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery is here for you. Our board-certified plastic surgeons can listen to your concerns and develop the most effective plan for helping you achieve your aesthetic goals. Call our Lone Tree, CO office at 303-706-1100 to schedule a complimentary cosmetic consultation to discuss your options.

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