What is the Recovery Time for a Mommy Makeover?

The recovery time for a mommy makeover depends on the procedures that were performed. For example, a surgical plan consisting of liposuction and a breast lift will have a shorter recovery than a tummy tuck combined with breast augmentation. Scheduling a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon is the best way to learn what you should expect.

In general, most patients need between two to four weeks of downtime. That said, complete healing can take three months to a year. Swelling and scarring will improve during this time.

Aside from the details of your surgical plan, a few other factors will influence the timing of your mommy makeover recovery. These factors include:

  • Your rate of healing
  • Your overall health
  • Your age
  • Your nutrition
  • Your use of nicotine
  • Your ability to follow your surgeon’s instructions

How To Recover Faster 

If you follow our preoperative and postoperative guidelines, you are likely to recover faster. That includes eating healthy foods, not smoking, resuming activities at an appropriate pace, and attending your follow-up visits. Remember, your actions play a significant role in the healing process. You should fully commit to your recovery and do whatever it takes to get better.

Of course, there is a limit to how quickly your body can heal after mommy makeover surgery. It’s important to be patient with yourself and avoid jumping back into regular activities too soon.

Plan Ahead To Ensure Success

A little bit of planning can go a long way when it comes to enjoying a smooth and safe recovery. If you buy recovery supplies, line up childcare, start avoiding nicotine, and review your medications and supplements in advance, you can help support the healing process.

Make sure you have the essentials on hand, such as compression garments, cold packs, healthy meals, stool softeners, loose clothing, and any other products that our surgeons recommend. Find out if you need to purchase supplies to keep your incisions clean.

Schedule a Consultation in Lone Tree

Call 303-706-1100 today to schedule a complimentary cosmetic consultation. Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery proudly serves Denver, Lone Tree, and nearby areas of Colorado.

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