Cosmetic Breast Reduction Candidates in Lone Tree and Heritage Hills, CO

Board-Certified Plastic Surgeons Serving Denver & Lone Tree, Colorado

If the size of your breasts is physically or emotionally detrimental, then you may be a good candidate for cosmetic breast reduction surgery. Cosmetic breast reduction removes excess skin and glandular tissue from your breasts and restores them to a higher position. The only way to know for sure if this procedure is right for you is to see one of our experienced plastic surgeons for a greater Denver area cosmetic breast reduction consultation.

Please call Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery at  303-706-1100 to schedule a complimentary cosmetic consultation at our Lone Tree office. Unfortunately, we do not offer breast reduction as an insurance-based surgery. A cash treatment plan will be given to you during your consultation.

Criteria for Cosmetic Breast Reduction Surgery

You may benefit from a cosmetic breast reduction if:

  • You are unhappy with the size of your breasts
  • The size of your breasts causes you to feel insecure and less confident
  • You experience back, neck and shoulder pain because of your breast size
  • Your breast size makes it difficult or uncomfortable to exercise and be active
  • Your breast size causes skin irritation beneath your breasts
  • Your nipples and areolas droop downward
  • Your bra straps dig into your shoulders
  • You are not entertaining the idea of insurance reimbursement for this surgical procedure

Cosmetic breast reduction may also be performed to create symmetry between your breasts if one breast is much larger than the other. Often times cosmetic breast reduction is combined with a breast lift. While cosmetic breast reduction removes the excess tissue of large breasts, lifting them to a higher position creates an overall rejuvenated and improved breast appearance. Cosmetic breast reduction may be combined with liposuction of the back or area beneath the armpits to remove excess fat deposits as well, helping achieve optimal results.

If one or more of the factors listed above applies to you, then you are probably a good candidate for cosmetic breast reduction surgery. Other things to consider are your age and whether you have any future pregnancy plans. Regarding your age, it is typically best to have matured physically and reached a point when your breasts are no longer developing.

As for pregnancy, it can change the appearance of your breasts after you have a cosmetic breast reduction, so some droopiness and sagginess may return if you become pregnant in the years after the procedure; however, many women choose to have cosmetic breast reduction and become pregnant in later years – it's truly a personal preference and individualized choice. Our experienced plastic surgeons can help you consider these factors and others, and help you decide if cosmetic breast reduction is right for you.

To find out if you are a candidate for cosmetic breast reduction in the greater Denver area, please contact Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery to schedule a consultation with one of our board-certified plastic surgeons.

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