5 Lesser Known Liposuction Treatment Areas

Liposuction is a highly versatile treatment. It can be used in many different areas to slim down excess pockets of fat. You can even use it in small, delicate areas of your

Liposuction - Denver, Lone Tree

physique you may not have thought possible. Dr. David Sayah wrote a blog for the American Society of Plastic Surgeons highlighting the 5 body areas you may not have considered for liposuction treatment:

  • Jawline: To reduce jowls and a double chin, liposuction can be used under the chin and along the upper neck.
  • Torso: Liposuction can slim down extra fat in the upper back and torso, where it can bulge out around your bras, swimsuits and other close-fitting tops.
  • Above the ankles: Known as “cankles,” puffy fat above the ankle can obscure the contour from the calf to the ankle. Liposuction can restore the trimness of this area.
  • Breasts: Liposuction can enhance the appearance of your breasts without the incisions involved with breast reduction.
  • Male chest: Some men develop enlarged breasts, a condition known as gynecomastia. With liposuction, the extra fat can be suctioned away to restore a masculine chest.

These treatment areas are a good example of how liposuction can be a good option if you have isolated areas with extra, stubborn fat but are otherwise happy with your weight and overall body shape.

To find out if our liposuction services in greater Denver are right for you, please contact Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery to schedule a complimentary cosmetic consultation.

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