Board-Certified Plastic Surgeons Serving Denver & Lone Tree, Colorado
TRANSCRIPT: A significant number of the patients we see at Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery are patients who don’t yet have breast cancer, who have a very high genetic risk for breast cancer, perhaps as high as 80 percent lifetime risk. These women often seek out what’s called a prophylactic mastectomy. That means trying to prevent cancer before it happens. This is a huge decision for patients and we walk them through this discussion because it’s an important one to have. There are risks for prophylactic mastectomy, however the vast majority of women do very well and they can reduce their risk of breast cancer by over 98 percent. I’m Dr. Christopher Williams, board-certified plastic surgeon at Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery. If you have questions about prophylactic mastectomies, please give us a phone call at 303-706-1100 or visit our website at