Top 3 Tips You Should Know Before Breast Augmentation

When you’re considering breast augmentation, it can be an exciting time. You’re thinking about how you want them to look, and the overall confidence that will come after the procedure. However, it is important to have an idea of what you want your breasts to look like from this procedure. Below we’ll discuss some tips for picking the right breast implant for your aesthetic goals.

Consider Whether You Care More About Volume or an All Natural Appearance

Every type of breast implant caters to a different appeal. Some come with more prominent volume and enhancement, whereas others provide volume and a more natural appearance. It all depends on what your goals are, and what feels best to you.

The three most common kinds of breast implants are saline-filled, silicone gel-filled, and “gummy bear” implants. While the names are somewhat explanatory, they each provide unique results. Saline-filled implants are great for volume and for projecting your breasts, while silicone-filled implants provide a more natural feeling. “Gummy bear” implants are the most natural looking of the three and are made of solid silicone, making them more durable than the others.

Think About Recovery

Although it’s exciting to begin the process of breast augmentation, it’s important to keep in mind that it’s still a procedure. It’s going to take some time to recover before you can enjoy the results. The first two weeks following the procedure are all about rest, small spurts of movement, hydration, and a healthy diet. If you have an occupation that requires physical labor, you won’t be able to return to work for around six weeks. Be sure to set aside time for this process so your recovery can go smoothly.

Think About Your Long-Term Goals for Your Breasts

Breast implants are an investment, so it’s important to be as certain as possible with your choice. We encourage you to be transparent during your consultation with us. That way, we can recommend the implant that will best serve your current and long-term augmentation needs. Removal or replacement of implants is always available should the need or desire arise.

To schedule a consultation at Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery in Lone Tree, CO, simply give us a call at 303-706-1100.

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