How Do You Fix Gynecomastia?

There are several ways to fix gynecomastia, depending on the cause and severity of your condition. Your doctor may suggest lifestyle changes, treatment for an underlying health problem, or medications to address hormone imbalances. If these things don’t work, options like CoolSculpting® and male breast reduction can create the flat, masculine chest you desire.

Non-Surgical Gynecomastia Treatment Using CoolSculpting®

Many men are attracted to the idea of correcting their gynecomastia with CoolSculpting®. After all, it’s a simple treatment that freezes away fat without incisions or downtime. It might be a great option if you are looking to avoid a surgical procedure.

CoolSculpting® offers great results for men who are dealing with fat deposits in the breast area. This problem is often called pseudogynecomastia or lipomastia. It does not address cases of true gynecomastia caused by enlarged glandular tissue.  

You will likely need several sessions to achieve the desired results. Fortunately, even the busiest patients can find time for a short CoolSculpting® appointment. You can multi-task during your treatment by answering emails, reading, or even taking a nap.

Surgical Male Breast Reduction

Gynecomastia surgery can correct excess fat and enlarged glandular tissue. It combines surgical techniques and liposuction to sculpt your chest into a new shape that’s more proportionate to the rest of your body. Areola reduction can also be performed at this time.

Some men even benefit from chest liposuction without other surgical techniques. Our male plastic surgeons will help determine what makes sense for you.

Male breast reduction surgery offers dramatic and long-lasting results if you maintain a steady weight after your procedure. Those results may increase your confidence and self-esteem, allowing you to feel more comfortable with the appearance of your chest.

Schedule a Free Consultation in Lone Tree

Our board-certified plastic surgeons understand the unique challenges that men with gynecomastia face. They are sensitive to the physical and emotional toll of this condition.

Call 303-706-1100 to schedule a complimentary cosmetic consultation with our male plastic surgeons. Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery proudly serves Denver, Lone Tree, and the surrounding Colorado areas.

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