Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day CeleBRAtion

Research has shown that many of the women who undergo mastectomy or lumpectomy are not fully informed of their options surrounding breast reconstruction. Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day is a nationwide event dedicated to providing women with clear, accurate and honest information about their options. We have celebrated BRA Day for the last four years and are excited to announce we will be hosting another celeBRAtion at our office this year. The fifth annual BRA Day celebration is October 19, 2016. It is sponsored by both the American Society of Plastic Surgeons as well as the Plastic Surgery Foundation.

At Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery, we will be celeBRAting with our patients throughout the day as they come in for their appointments. Then, we will host a gathering from 4-6 pm at our office. Swing on by to see the doctors and staff, and meet our partners, Beauty for Ashes and Mountain Child.   

Beauty for Ashes Nepal is a gift items and accessories manufacturing company: “We believe poverty is one of the main problems that fuels human trafficking in the world today. To combat this problem, we employ women who are marginalized and those escaping exploitative situations. Our goal is to not only produce stylish and quality wholesale products for you to enjoy, but also to change the lives of the women who make these products by providing a work environment that is family-oriented.” We are proud to work with organizations like Beauty for Ashes, who are committed to improving the lives and livelihoods of women and their families, across the globe.

Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day 2016

Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery has partnered with Mountain Child and Beauty for Ashes. We will have representatives of both organizations at our celeBRAtion, so come by to learn more about their initiatives and shop the store! 

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