Body Contouring In Lone Tree, CO

Board-Certified Plastic Surgeons Serving Denver & Lone Tree, Colorado

At Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery, our board-certified plastic surgeons are dedicated to helping you achieve your body contouring goals. We understand that hard work, healthy diet and exercise aren't always enough to give you that sculpted, beautiful body you want and deserve. Skin can lose elasticity, and unwanted areas of fat can remain after successful significant weight loss, pregnancy, or as a result of the natural aging process. Unfortunately, you can work your hardest, but still not look your best.

Body contouring can help. At Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery, we offer a number of procedures that target stubborn pockets of unwanted fat, loose and sagging excess skin, and trouble areas where no matter how hard you try, you just can't achieve the results you want on your own. Our board-certified Denver plastic surgeons are committed to tailoring a solution to meet your individual needs, using the latest, most advanced, proven and safe techniques.

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Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure that can give you a tighter, firmer and thinner abdominal profile. If you have excess fat and skin on your lower abdomen that is resistant to diet and exercise, a tummy tuck might be right for you.

Whether you're interested in a traditional full tummy tuck or a mini tummy tuck, we'll remove excess tummy fat and restore your weakened or separated abdominal muscles to give you a smoother and slimmer tummy. Depending on your individual circumstances, a tummy tuck can be performed together with other procedures. At Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery, we'll work with you to help you determine which procedures are right for you.

body contouring infographic showing 4 purposes of body contouring: eliminate excess fat, tighten loose skin, reshape your figure, and improve your confidence

Liposuction/Tumescent Liposuction

One of the most common cosmetic procedures performed in the United States, liposuction targets and removes areas of unwanted fat in the:

  • Abdomen
  • Hips
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs
  • Knees
  • Arms
  • Chin
  • Cheeks
  • Neck

At Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery, we use the most recent advances in female and male liposuction techniques to achieve more precise results with shorter recovery times. Liposuction works to remove excess fat from the fat layer beneath the skin to give you a more sculpted and contoured look. Depending on the areas you want to improve and other considerations, we'll help you determine which technique would be right for you.

Our cosmetic surgeons offer tumescent liposuction, the super-wet liposuction technique, ultrasound-assisted lipoplasty, and power-assisted liposuction.


Despite all of your efforts to achieve a toned figure, you may still struggle with small pockets of excess fat. This is often due to factors outside of your control, such as a genetic predisposition to store weight in certain areas. At Park Meadows Aesthetics, our Aesthetics office located in the suite next door to our surgical practice, we are excited to offer the CoolSculpting treatment to patients who want a noninvasive way to reduce stubborn fat. We've performed over 2,500 treatment cycles to date, and we were one of the first practices to offer the absolute newest technology in CoolSculpting - CoolSculpting Elite. CoolSculpting Elite features improved applicators for a better fit and function that complements patients' natural curves. We can treat up to FOUR areas at one time - which decreases the amount of time you'll need to plan to be in our office. Call our Aesthetics office 303-662-8668 to schedule your complimentary consultation with our CoolSculpting Specialist.

What Is Surgical Body Contouring?

Body contouring, or body sculpting, involves liposuction or the removal of excess fat and skin, typically after a patient loses a significant amount of weight. This excess skin that is left behind after a major weight loss can often be troublesome and affect the confidence of patients. For many on their weight loss journey, this extra skin prevents them from achieving the slimmer appearance they’ve been working towards. Now, thanks to surgical body contouring, this skin can be removed through reconstructive surgery. By eliminating sagging skin and excess fat from the body, patients can then enjoy a body with smoother contours and a more refined silhouette once they make a full recovery from their procedure.

What Is Non-Invasive Body Contouring?

For patients uninterested in committing to a surgical procedure but still want the results of a successful body contouring treatment, CoolSculpting targets fat cells beneath the skin and involves no surgical incisions. While eliminating these fat cells, patients are left with a body contour that enhances their natural curves without the need for a full recovery from traditional surgery.

What Areas Can Body Contouring Treat?

One of the benefits of body sculpting treatments is that the method is appropriate for many parts of the body, particularly those where stubborn fat collects, like the upper arms and under the chin. Body contouring can also be applied to areas such as the lower back, thighs, abdomen, waistline, hips, upper arms, and under the chin.

Despite all efforts to exercise and tone up, it’s not uncommon to have areas of the body that just won’t respond fully. Body contouring may offer the best chance of achieving a balanced, healthy figure, especially when a patient has already put some serious time into diet and exercise in an attempt to improve the appearance of the body.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Body Contouring?

Ideal candidates for body contouring are those in overall good health and who believe they can maintain a steady weight following their procedure. It’s also recommended that candidates for body contouring are non-smokers and are not suffering from any active infections during treatment. To be eligible for liposuction, patients should be at least 18 years of age.

In addition to exhibiting good overall health, ideal body contouring candidates should be ready to follow the cosmetic surgeon’s recommendations for rest and recovery after the procedure. The most successful results are often contingent on the recovery process and the dedication one makes to following through with the healing process. For those who put in the time and effort to prepare well for the procedure, as well as the time to heal, body sculpting can have an incredibly positive and lasting effect.

To find out if you are a candidate, schedule a consultation with the team at Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery today by clicking here.

What Is Recovery from Body Contouring Like?

After your body contouring treatment, healing may take several weeks. Compression garments will be needed while you recover to prevent complications. Common side effects after this treatment include redness, sensitivity, tenderness, swelling, and bruising. However, within seven days of your treatment, patients can begin to see their side effects improve. Most patients are able to return to work within four to six weeks.

With cosmetic surgery like body contouring, patients should be prepared to prioritize rest. Every patient is different and will experience the recovery process with a different level of sensitivity and swelling. The most successful recovery can be achieved when the patient commits to a healthy lifestyle and doesn’t try to return to normal activities too soon. Should a patient opt for a non-surgical body contouring option like CoolSculpting, the recovery process may end more swiftly than a procedure that includes surgical incisions. However, diet and exercise are always important parts of a successful recovery, whether you’ve undergone significant body contouring in a Mommy Makeover or minor body sculpting in a few targeted areas with CoolSculpting.

What Are the Benefits of Body Contouring?

There are many benefits to body contouring, including eliminating stubborn body fat, helping patients achieve their goal weight, and providing results that can last up to ten years or more. Many patients report an increase in their self-esteem and confidence after making a full recovery from their body contouring treatment.

Beyond the possible improvements to self-esteem, patients may also find it easier to move around and engage in a healthy lifestyle after receiving a body sculpting procedure. It may feel difficult to maintain an exercise regimen when there are areas of excess fat on the body that just won’t go away. A more pleasing body shape may offer just the encouragement needed to pursue an active lifestyle. When you see a healthy body in the mirror, you may find yourself excited to head to the gym or get together with friends for a fun and active outdoor activity.

How Can I Maintain My Results from Body Contouring?

The best way you can make your body contouring results last longer is to maintain a balanced diet and an exercise routine you can commit to daily. Because losing or gaining a significant amount of weight can change the appearance of your body contouring results, it’s essential that patients keep a healthy lifestyle in order to stabilize their weight and maintain their results.

Some patients pursue body contouring because they’ve already committed to a healthy lifestyle and had success in their weight loss journey. Despite weight loss, the body doesn’t always respond fully with tighter skin and a more pleasing appearance. For ideal candidates who have already adopted a healthy outlook and diet, the results of body contouring can last many years.

Schedule a Consultation for Body Contouring in Lone Tree, CO Today!

At Park Meadows Cosmetic Surgery, our state-of-the-art surgical center is one of the only dedicated cosmetic surgery centers in that is both state-licensed and The Joint Commission-accredited. Our highly experienced team of board-certified plastic surgeons will work with you to determine which body contouring techniques might be right for you. Call 303-706-1100 to arrange a time to meet with our surgeons or complete an online contact form, and our office will be in touch with you.

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7430 E. Park Meadows Dr.
Suite 300
Lone Tree, CO 80124


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Monday-Friday: 8:30am-4:30pm
Saturday-Sunday: Closed

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